AI that Helps You Skate to Where the Puck is Going to Be

Hockey great Wayne Gretzky has inspired business leaders for decades. Sports Illustrated called him the most dominant athlete ever in any sport. But Gretzky didn’t look dominant. His superpower was anticipation.

When he retired, Gretzky had scored 44 percent more points than anyone in hockey history. That's like hitting 1,097 home runs (335 more than Barry Bond's 762), scoring 55,205 points in the N.B.A. (16,868 more than Kareem), or passing for over 100,000 yards in the NFL.

This article was inspired by the team at Gapingvoid

This article was inspired by the team at Gapingvoid

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Streaming data science is like an algorithmic Wayne Gretzky. It evaluates algorithms against any data that streams: IoT sensor readings from machines, customer interactions, or weather updates. The video shows streaming data science at work in an insurance company.

With each change in the weather forecast, AI models rerun. Predictions are displayed with streaming visual analytics.

Real-time insights help knowledge workers see where damage is likely to be the worst (the red areas on the map). Analysts use these insights to decide where to deploy adjusters, how to warn customers, and where to deploy critical assets.

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Can streaming data science make knowledge workers 44% smarter, like Wayne Gretzky? Can they save 44% in claims? Can they save 44% more lives? Can they make customers 44% happy?

Gretzky’s 44% is a lofty goal, but streaming data science helps you see where the puck is likely to be next.

It’s up to you to do the skating.

Sports statistics courtesy of Bleacher Report. To learn more about streaming data science, read Analytics for Moving Data, The Future of Analytics or Dynamic Learning 101.




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