When I was a kid, I loved to explore my grandpa’s attic. Mostly, it was a mess. A plastic bowling set. A Mummer’s Day Parade costume. A dusty fur coat. And a ton of books, neatly arranged.

Most companies have data that looks like my grandpa’s attic. Lots of cool stuff scattered all over the place. Some organized neatly on a shelf.

Now grandpa is moving to the cloud.

Cloud migration is driving insane valuations for data management tech unicorns like Databricks and Snowflake. Combined, these two companies have been deemed as valuable as General Electric, IBM, and CVS. The enthusiasm is both well-deserved and speculative.

TIBCO’s job is to connect to data anywhere and everywhere. In the past few years, Databricks and Snowflake have appeared high on the list.

But at the same time, we connected to over 200 other sources of data! Grandpa is moving, but, sorry, Snowflake and Databricks, not all data fits neatly on bookshelves.

Tools that help connect and analyze any data are growing as fast as the cloud-native databases themselves: business intelligence, data virtualization, streaming data, dmodel ops, data catalogs, master data management, metadata management, to name some of the big ones.

The excitement over Snowflake and Databricks is well earned. But they are just two data boats in the ocean in a rising tide that’s lifting us all.

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