The Essence of Automation: Better Together

In 1997, IBM’s Deep Blue computer beat chess champion, Gary Kasparov. The machine-beats-human story sent shock waves through the media. But what many people don’t know is that they kept playing...

In 2005, a chess tournament allowed humans to work with computers. At first, the results were predictable: teams of humans with a relatively weak laptop dominated the strongest computers.

But then… surprise! A grandmaster with a computer didn’t win. A pair of amateurs using three computers won. Their skill as a team trumped superior human skill and superior AI.


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Kasparov explained, “Imagine you have a rifle that can hit a target 1 mile away. A 1-millimeter change in the direction could end up with a 10-meter difference a mile away. A tiny shift makes a big difference. And that's the future of human-machine collaboration.”

We hit more targets with better human-computer collaboration.

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