Mods Power Hour

The Spotfire Mods framework lets you modify Spotfire however you want, quickly. How quickly? Erik Brandin and Olof Bjerke show us how in this first live-stream Mods Power Hour. In one hour, they modified Spotfire by adding a new Donut Chart visualization.

In one hour, Erik and Olof modified Spotfire by adding a new Donut Chart visualization that leverages everything about Spotfire, like a factory-built visualization from Sweden. It can interact with other charts, use live, streaming data, and embed Python or R for democratized AI.

Watch it below!

For more on Mods…

Read about the Spotfire Mods Mission and why we think No-Code Apps Are the Future of Analytics.

Get inspired by my personal Mods Grandmaster Flash Challenges like Florence Nightingale’s Coxcomb chart and the Voronoi Polygon and check out the Stop Times Mod.

Or jump right in and start building Mods: Visit the Spotfire Mods community page or watch this Doctor Spotfire Mods 101 or Mods 102 sessions.

For more Mods Power Hours, and Dr. Spotfire sessions. Subscribe to the Dr. Spotfire YouTube channel for updates or the official Spotfire LinkedIn User Group or Spotfire Reddit User Community.

Watch for Mods hackathons, or Modathons, coming soon. All be invited, and qualifying submissions will be eligible for our monthly Mod of the Month contest and shared in the community.

Our new ModStar program can run their own Modathons. Winning Mods will be featured in the TIBCO Blog, the TIBCO Community. The best of the best will be featured here.


Mods Before and After


The W.E.B. Du Bois Visualization Challenge